
2016年12月23日 星期五

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TOEIC多益閱讀PART 7單篇文章真題練習及解題技巧示範

Agenda(會議議程)是多益閱讀很常出現的文章主題,這類文章大都以表格搭配短文,考生可以花少少考試時間且容易拿到分數的,每月進考場考多益的戴爾美語 Kay 老師要跟大家分享多益閱讀真題有關agenda的單篇文章,並且有詳解解題技巧,想考多益高分的你千萬別錯過了~~
9th Healthy Living Conference Agenda
Peninsula Hotel, Philippines
April 4th, 2016
Opening Speech
Mr. Palacio
Expert Panel
Mr. Horne
Managing Everyday Stress
Ms. Preston

April 5th, 2016
Organic Food Production and Markets
Ms. Bowman
Transforming Inactive Lifestyle
Mr. Ayoki

April 6th, 2016
Evaluate Recent Findings
Mr. Huff
Plans for the 10th conference
Mr. Porter
Closing Remarks
Ms. Sprague

Registration takes place between 10:00 and 12:00 every day. Once you sign up, don’t forget to get your badge at the registration desk. Please note that every entrance checks badges except the opening speech; therefore, you must have your badge with you whenever you enter the auditorium.
Those who need accommodation may kindly inform the coordinator , Adelina Viera, at
aviera@health.com or call her at 555-0189. She will be happy to assist you with your reservation.
For more details on the lectures, please consult the conference manual in your packet.

1. Who will most likely address the need of exercise?
(A) Mr. Porter
(B) Ms. Bowman
(C) Mr. Ayoki
(D) Ms. Huff

2. What will happen at 12:00 on April 4th, 2016?
(A) A lecture will take place.
(B) Lunch will be served.
(C) Important announcement will be made.
(D) Meeting registration will end.

3. Whose lecture is open to the public?
(A) Mr. Palacio’s
(B) Mr. Ayoki’s
(C) Ms. Bowman’s
(D) Ms. Sprague’s

4. What is suggested about the conference?
(A) It provides transportation.
(B) It has been held for more than a decade.
(C) It offers refreshments and coffee.
(D) It issues badges to attendees.

5. How can participants find more information on the lectures?
(A) Call the coordinator
(B) Refer to the conference booklets
(C) Visit their website
(D) Read the attachment of the previous email

詳解 (選項有底線者為正確答案) 
1. Who will most likely address the need of exercise?
(A) Mr. Porter
(B) Ms. Bowman
(C) Mr. Ayoki
(D) Ms. Huff
→ 多益解題技巧:transforming inactive lifestyle (改變靜態的生活方式)可知是要動態的生活方式。

2. What will happen at 12:00 on April 4th, 2016?
(A) A lecture will take place.
(B) Lunch will be served.
(C) Important announcement will be made.
(D) Meeting registration will end.
→ 多益解題技巧:Registration takes place between 10:00 and 12:00 every day可知答案為(D)

3. Whose lecture is open to the public?
(A) Mr. Palacio’s
(B) Mr. Ayoki’s
(C) Ms. Bowman’s
(D) Ms. Sprague’s
→ 多益解題技巧: Please note that every entrance checks badges except the opening speech(除了開幕演講,其他場次都要檢查名牌)可知答案為(A)

4. What is suggested about the conference?
(A) It provides transportation.
(B) It has been held for more than a decade.
(C) It offers refreshments and coffee.
(D) It issues (核發) badges to attendees.
→ 多益解題技巧:Once you sign up, don’t forget to get your badge (名牌) at the registration desk可知答案為(D)

5. How can participants find more information on the lectures?
(A) Call the coordinator
(B) Refer to (參考)the conference booklets (小冊子)
(C) Visit their website
(D) Read the attachment (附件)of the previous (之前的)email

→ 多益解題技巧: For more details on the lectures, please consult the conference manual in your packet.可知答案為(B)

1. transform-轉換
2. inactive -靜態的
3. badge-名牌
4. auditorium -演講廳
5. coordinator-專員



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📢戴爾美語活動網站: https://goo.gl/8mvVFJ

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