
2015年2月10日 星期二

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Questions 153-155 refer to the following letter.
Dell Fitness Center
Dear valued members,
We are delighted to notify you of this information about our 10-week yoga class program.
This class will take place on Wednesdays from 8:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. for the months of June to August. As this is introductory drop-in class, you can take classes that meet your daily schedule, which is especially suitable for those who are not able or willing to make a weekly commitment. Of course the more frequently you attend the class, the more familiar you are with yoga and the more accurate your postures will be. This is a beginner-oriented class; thus, both members and non-members are welcome. 
This class will center on exploring the range of body movement and will help beginners understand the fundamental principles of Kundalini Yoga. The instructor will begin with breath work as well as a full body movement series. You will learn to explore and expand your range of motion, strength and flexibility in a safe and fun environment.
Please bring your own yoga mat if you have one. Don’t forget to wear comfortable outfit so that you can move more naturally and freely.
Classes are $20 drop-in. For those eager to come weekly, there is a price reduction of 15 % if you pay up front by Friday Feb 22, 2015.
Join us now!  We would love to see you on the mat!
Yours in Health,
Joseph Dornan
Center Director

Dell Fitness Center –Maine
147-G Slaughter Road, Maine, AL 37647
Ph: 256-867-8467
Fax: 256-867-8468

153. What is the purpose of the letter?
(A) To announce a new event
(B) To request payment of tuition
(C) To introduce a new yoga instructor
(D) To report the benefits of yoga

154. Who is the letter mainly written for?
(A) People who have learned yoga for a long time
(B) People who would like to experience yoga classes
(C) People who would like to know how to instruct yoga
(D) People who are interested in hot yoga

155. What can be inferred about the yoga class?
(A) It will last only two months.
(B) It is exclusively open to members.
(C) It is an intensive class.
(D) Discount will be provided for early payment.

Joseph Dornan

Dell Fitness Center –Maine
147-G Slaughter Road, Maine, AL 37647
Ph: 256-867-8467
Fax: 256-867-8468


A153. What is the purpose of the letter?(信件目的為何?)
(A) To announce a new event(宣佈新的活動)
(B) To request payment of tuition(要求繳交學費)
(C) To introduce a new yoga instructor (介紹新的瑜珈老師)
(D) To report the benefits of yoga (報導瑜伽的好處)

從第一段”We are delighted to notify you of this information about our 10-week yoga class program.”notify you of this information中可以知道這篇主旨用意在告知會員有新課程的資訊,因此答案選A

B154. Who is the letter mainly written for?(這封信主要對象給誰?)
(A) People who have learned yoga for a long time(已經學習瑜伽很久的人)
(B) People who would like to experience yoga classes(想要體驗瑜伽課程的人)
(C) People who would like to know how to instruct yoga(想要了解如何教授瑜伽的人)
(D) People who are interested in hot yoga.(對熱瑜伽有興趣的人)

從文章中不斷出現beginner可以知道這封信是給初學者;另外文章中有提到drop-in class以及which is especially suitable for those who are not able or willing to make a weekly commitment這句中說明課程適合不想被每週課程限制住的人,代表想學習的人是初學者而且對瑜伽不了解以及想要彈性上課時間的學員,因此答案選的是B

D155. What can be inferred about the yoga class?(對於瑜伽課我們可以做出什麼推論?)
(A) It will last only two months. (將只會持續兩個月)è文章提及從六月到八月,一共三個月。
(B) It is exclusively open to members.(只開放給會員)è文章第二段最後一行有提到both members and non-members are welcome(會員及非會員都歡迎加入)
(C) It is an intensive class. (這是一堂密集的課程)è課程每週一堂課並不算密集課程
(D) Discount will be provided for early payment.(若欲先繳款將會享有折扣)

1.         notify                (v.) 通知 = inform sb. of N.
2.         meet                  (v.) 符合 + one’s expectation(符合某人期待)/
        the deadline(符合期限)/
        the requirements(符合要求)/
        the criterion(符合標準)
3.         commit              (v.)       承諾 + oneself to N.
        犯罪 + suicide(自殺)/ murder (謀殺)
       committed          (adj.)     忠誠的
       commitment        (n.)       承諾
4.         attend                (v.)       出席
         照顧、處理 + to N.
         注意 + to N.
5.   drop-in class  (n. phr.)   隨到隨上的課程



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