
2015年4月7日 星期二

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Thank you for calling Ann’s Gardens. Our gardens and greenhouses are famous for our collection of rare and exotic plants. We are open daily from 9:30am to 5:30pm all year round. During your visit, we recommend you stop by the visitor center to learn about our collection from the free guided tours. If you’re calling to order tickets for next week’s tulip show - press 3. We hope to see you soon at Ann’s Gardens.

74. According to the message what is Ann’s Gardens known for?
(A) Its innovated greenhouse
(B) Its collection of rare plants
(C) Its immediate service
(D) Its creative design

75. According to the speaker, what can guests do at the visitor center?
(A) They can purchase rare flowers
(B) They can book free guided tours
(C) They can order tickets for the tulip show
(D) The can learn more about rare plants

76. Why should listeners press 3?
(A) To speak to a customer service representative
(B) To get a catalog of rare plants
(C) To order tickets for a tulip show
(D) To order bouquets or potted flowers 

Thank you for calling Ann’s Gardens. (74) Our gardens and greenhouses are famous for our collection of rare and exotic plants. We are open daily from 9:30am to 5:30pm all year round. During your visit, (75) we recommend you stop by the visitor center to learn about our collection from the free guided tours. (76) If you’re calling to order tickets for next week’s tulip show - press 3. We hope to see you soon at Ann’s Gardens.

74. According to the message what is Ann’s Gardens known for?
(A) Its innovated greenhouse
(B) Its collection of rare plants
(C) Its immediate service
(D) Its creative design

74. 根據這篇留言,Ann’s Gardens以何者聞名?
(A) 創新的溫室
(B) 稀有植物的收藏
(C) 立即的服務
(D) 有創意的設計

【解題關鍵】問知名事物,注意聽known 前後出現的關鍵字,由Our gardens and greenhouses are famous for our collection of rare and exotic plants.可知答案為(B)

75. According to the speaker, what can guests do at the visitor center?
(A) They can purchase rare flowers
(B) They can book free guided tours
(C) They can order tickets for the tulip show
(D) The can learn more about rare plants
75. 根據說話者,貴賓能在訪客中心從事何項活動?
(A) 購買稀有花卉。
(B) 預約免費導覽。
(C) 訂購鬱金香展門票。
(D) 深入瞭解罕見植物。

【解題關鍵】問可在訪客中心從事的活動,注意聽visitor center前後的描述。由we recommend you stop by the visitor center to learn about our collection from the free guided tours可知答案為(D)
(B) They can book free guided tours 與原文中的to learn about our collection from the free guided tours有同樣字free guided tours,但文中動詞片語是learn about our collection,而非預約。

76. Why should listeners press 3?
(A) To speak to a customer service representative
(B) To get a catalog of rare plants
(C) To order tickets for a tulip show
(D) To order bouquets or potted flowers 
76. 為何聽話者要按3
(A) 與客服部人員對話
(B) 取得稀有植物的目錄
(C) 訂購鬱金香展門票
(D) 訂購捧花或盆栽

【解題關鍵】問可從事活動,注意聽關鍵字press 3前後的描述。由If you’re calling to order     
                         tickets for next week’s tulip show - press 3可知答案為(C)
【地雷選項】 (D) To order bouquets or potted flowers與原文中的If you’re calling to order tickets 
                         for next week’s tulip show有同樣字order,但文中所述式訂購門票,而非訂購花



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