
2016年3月20日 星期日

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TOEIC多益擬真考題-單字及文法題整理 Part 2-如何解題


C 1. Comparisons are made with other data, all of ______ have been obtained with
        techniques different from that of the present work.
        (A) that  (B) it  (C) which  (D) those
     ** 多益解題技巧:which 為關係代名詞,代替先行詞data。關係代名詞
        本身有連接句子的功能, 其他選項都會讓前後兩句少了連接詞。
D 2. More Americans died of drug overdoses in 2014 than ______ year on record.
        (A) other  (B) all other  (C) the other  (D) any other
     ** 多益解題技巧:「any other + 單數名詞」或「all the other +複數名詞」
B 3. All employees have to obtain supervisory permission _____ registering for eCore
        (A) as well as  (B) prior to  (C) as to  (D) in order to
     ** 多益解題技巧:選項意思各為as well as -以及; prior to- 在…之前,
        後面接N/ Ving;as to 至於; in order to 為了要,後面接動詞原形。
B 4. Maximize your time in school by learning what skills you will need to achieve
        career success before ______ the workforce.
        (A) enter  (B) entering  (C) enters  (D) entered
     ** 多益解題技巧:此句為分詞構句,原句為”before you enter”,這裡是同主詞(you)省略
A 5. It is almost impossible for the smaller retailer to compete _____ the multiples.
        (A) against  (B) for  (C) with  (D) in
     ** 多益解題技巧:compete against + 競爭對象,介系詞against有對抗之意。
C 6. New Music on the Bayou _______ submissions for the Summer Festival beginning
        March 1. A maximum of three pieces may be submitted by each composer.
        (A) has been accepted    (B) accept
        (C) will be accepting    (D) had accepted
     ** 多益解題技巧:由下句的may(可以)可知是還沒發生的未來事件,宜用未來式。
A 7. The main statue is still _______ construction. One can see the head and several of
        its part but it is still not completed.
        (A) under  (B) for  (C) with  (D) in
     ** 多益解題技巧:under construction 施工中
C 8. 35 percent of large companies encourage _____ programs for energy saving.
        (A) refund  (B) promotion  (C) carpooling  (D) benefit
     ** 多益解題技巧:本題選項單字意思各為:refund 退貨;promotion 陞遷;
        carpooling 共乘;benefit 福利。為了節能,35%的大公司鼓勵共乘方案,故答案應選 C
A 9. The wind was blowing so hard that when I got to my house, I had to hold on to the
        _____ as I pulled myself up the short flight of stairs to the front door.
        (A) railing  (B) fence  (C) escalator  (D) frame
     ** 多益解題技巧:本題選項單字意思各為:railing 欄杆;fence 圍籬;escalator 手扶梯;
        frame 框架。答案應選 A
B 10. Some books ________ on the cart.
          (A) are positioning   (B) have been positioned
          (C) position              (D) will position
      ** 多益解題技巧:position 意思為“把……放在適當位置”, 此題考被動式,
         即S + be + Vpp.,故答案為B
A 11. One of the passengers _______ the vehicle.
         (A) is exiting   (B) are exiting   (C) is exited   (D) are exited
      ** 多益解題技巧:One of the passenger (乘客之一),主詞為單數。故答案為 A
C 12. If you experience problems with the ______ or feel your call was handled
          inappropriately, ask to speak to the on-duty supervisor.
         (A) dispatches   (B) dispatching   (C) dispatcher   (D) dispatch
      ** 多益解題技巧:由his可知前面所指對象為人。dispatch 意思為派勤,dispatcher
B 13. Edmond also created a Life and ______ section and headed the Women's News
          department for the publication.
          (A) Supplement    (B) Leisure   (C) Balance   (D) Insurance
     ** 多益解題技巧:Life and Leisure為報紙的生活休閒版面。
D 14. Don't miss the opportunity to receive summer research funding.
          The word “miss” is in closest meaning to ______
          (A) fall behind  (B) stick to  (C) follow up  (D) fail to take
      ** 多益解題技巧: 本題選項片語意思各為:fall behind 落後;stick to 遵守;
           follow up 追蹤;fail to take錯失。,本句“miss”解釋為fail to take,符合題意。
B 15. Conservationists tried to make up for the loss of an important natural resource by
          setting up a replacement.
          The phrase “make up” is in closest meaning to ______
          (A) renovate  (B) compensate  (C) concentrate  (D) sacrifice
      ** 多益解題技巧:本題選項意思各為:renovate 翻新;compensate 補償;concentrate
           專注 ;sacrifice 犧牲



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