
2016年3月1日 星期二

Filled Under:

TOEIC多益擬真考題-單字及文法考點整理 Part 1-解題技巧



 C 1. The renovation will ________ be completed before Oct. 12th.
        (A) confidentially    (B) delightedly  
        (C) ideally      (D) unanimously
     **單字:renovation (整修), confidentially (機密地), delightedly (高興地),
         ideally (理想地), unanimously (意見一致地)

 B 2. The merger would not have a __________ impact on existing staff.
         (A) subjective (B) substantial
         (C) doubtful   (D) astonished
     **單字:merger (合併案),  impact (影響),  existing (現存的)
         subjective (主觀的), substantial (大的、可觀的), doubtful (懷疑的)
         astonished (驚嚇的)

 D 3. Mrs. Hammond gave her a tour of the ___________.
        (A) delegate (代表團成員)   (B) employment (雇用)
        (C) document (文件)   (D) premises (營業場所)
     ** a tour of + 地方  「逛逛某地」
         單字:delegate (代表團成員) , employment (雇用), document (文件),
         premises (營業場所)

 C 4. This innovative _________tool examines changes occurring within an individual patient's
        (A) diagnose (B) diagnosing
        (C) diagnostic (D) diagnosed
      **解題技巧:innovative diagnostic tool 創新的診斷工具,innovative及diagnostic皆為
          單字: innovative (創新的), individual(個別的), tumor (腫瘤), diagnose (v.診斷),
          diagnostic (a.診斷的)
 B 5. We apologize for any ______ that this may have caused you.
        (A) admission            (B) inconvenience
        (C) contribution         (D) retention
        **解題技巧:apologize for + 道歉原因 (應為負面名詞)
            單字:apologize (道歉), admission (入學、入場),  inconvenience (不便),
            contribution (貢獻), retention (保留)

 C 6. We love to give _________ to our members for their hard work and achievements(成就).
        (A) recognize (B) recognizable (C) recognition (D) recognizably
            單字:achievements(成就), recognize (v.肯定、識別), recognizable (a.可識別的),            
             recognition (n.肯定), recognizably (adv.可識別地)

 A 7. The review meeting _________ lasts three hours
         (A) typically (B) dramatically (C) considerably (D) creatively
         **單字:review(審核), typically(典型地、一般地),  dramatically(戲劇性地),
             considerably(大量地), creatively(有創意地)

B 8. Returns are not allowed if the _________ you make is part of a special offer.
       (A) purchases (B) purchase   (C) purchasing (D) purchased
       **解題技巧:由空格後的is可知主詞是單數,the purchase(單數S) + (that) you make
           (形容詞子句) + is (單數V) ……。
           單字:returns (退貨),  offer (特價品), purchase (v. 購買)

C 9. Smile Travel is the _________ of different kinds of tours.
       (A) operate (B) operation (C) operator (D) operative
      **解題技巧:本題不可選(B),主詞的Smile Travel是一間公司,應該是營運者,而非
          單字:operate (v.營運), operation (n.營運), operator(n.營運者)

B 10. Back To School sells a variety of stylish and ___________ backpacks.
         (A) durably   (B) durable    (C) duration    (D) durability
         **解題技巧:本題考and的對等連接,stylish (時尚的)應與同樣為形容詞的(B)對等
             單字:durably(adv.耐用地), durable (a.耐用的), duration(n.持續時間),
             durability(n.耐久度), a variety of (各式各樣的)

C 11. Mr. Beck Levine would like to change his ________ from Mar.21st to Mar. 25th.
         (A) conclusion (B) embarkation (C) reservation (D) component
         **單字:conclusion(結論),  embarkation(登機、乘船), reservation(預約),

B 12. Our goal is to meet the needs of ________ groups of customers.
         (A) conscious (B) diverse (C) automatic (D) engaging
         **單字:conscious(有意識的), diverse(各式各樣的), automatic(自動的)

B 13. As well as being _____ slim, our new product has a luxurious and sophisticated feel.
        (A) consistently (B) amazingly (C) ridiculously (D) simultaneously
         **單字:slim(微小的), luxurious (奢侈的), sophisticated (精緻的)
              consistently(一貫地), ridiculously(可笑地), simultaneously(同時地)

C 14. An ________ personality trait is necessary for this position.
         (A) enthusiastically (B) enthusiast (C) enthusiastic (D) enthusiasm
         **解題技巧:本題為詞性題,本題用形容詞修飾後面的名詞personality trait
             單字:trait (特點),  enthusiastic (a.熱忱的)

D 15. Last year, Mr. Kim was _____ to serve on the special committee.
         (A) electing (B) election (C) elect (D) elected
        **解題技巧:本題考被動語態 S+ be + Vp.p.表示被動,意為「被推選出來」。
            單字:elect (v.推選), committee(委員會)



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