1. The --- of Peabody Wing will take place over most of 2016 and is broken up into
several phases.
(A) occupation (B) profitability (C) renovation (D) transaction
2. There is a nice little gift shop where you can buy --- for your people back home.
(A) suggestions (B) processes (C) reminders (D) souvenirs
3. Before returning the goods, please inspect all containers to ensure that they are
undamaged and --- placed.
(A) approximately (B) properly (C) significantly (D) systematically
4. Although the --- of installation is very easy, only trained technicians are permitted
to perform the operation.
(A) procedure (B) alternative (C) duration (D) statement
答案:C / D / B / A
更多必考多益考試資訊,請洽詢:http://goo.gl/d6CXLj |
1. The --- of Peabody Wing will take place over most of 2016 and is broken up
into several phases.
(A) occupation (B) profitability (C) renovation (D) transaction
***解題重點:本題答案的修飾語of the Peabody Wing指的是側邊建築物,宜搭配主語renovation (翻新、翻修)。renovation的字首為re-(表示再度), 字根為nov-(表示new),意為「再度讓它成為新的」,另外常考的同字根單字為innovative (a.創新的)。
2. There is a nice little gift shop where you can buy --- for your people back home.
(A) suggestions (B) processes (C) reminders (D) souvenirs
***多益單字: reminder (提醒);souvenir(紀念品)
3. Before returning the goods, please inspect all containers to ensure that they are
undamaged and --- placed.
(A) approximately (B) properly (C) significantly (D) systematically
***解題重點:本題答案的被修飾語為placed(放置),宜用properly(adv.妥善地)來修飾。approximately (大約)後面經常接數字。
***多益單字:inspect(檢查);container (容器);undamaged (沒有破損的);approximately(大約);properly(妥善地);significantly(明顯地);systematically(系統地)
4. Although the --- of installation is very easy, only trained technicians are permitted to
perform the operation.
(A) procedure (B) alternative (C) duration (D) statement
***解題重點:本題答案的修飾語為easy(a.簡易的),被修飾語宜用procedure (n.過程)。常聽到的SOP即是standard operation procedure (標準作業程序)的縮寫。
***多益單字:installation (安裝);technician (技術人員);permit(允許);perform (執行);alternative(替代方案);duration(持續時間)
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