
2016年8月9日 星期二

Filled Under: , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

TOEIC多益閱讀測驗精選考題(十) 戴爾美語多益補習班老師整理推薦多益考古題



1. Given the opportunity for an interview, Gabriel is eager ------- himself to the hiring committee.
    (A) to introduce
    (B) for introducing
    (C) introduce
    (D) introducing
2. The doctor requested ------- the patient take an operation.
     (A) if
     (B) what
     (C) that
     (D) whether
3.Paul Dorsey’s ------- overcoming the challenges led to his ultimate victory.
     (A) success
     (B) successful
     (C) successfully
     (D) succeed
4. For our customers, please refer to the ------- for the contact information of our branch offices.
     (A) direct
     (B) directly
     (C) direction
     (D) directory
5. The director asked us to hold the meeting as scheduled in his -------, but he did not show up finally.
     (A) performance
     (B) insistence
     (C) creation
     (D) credential

答案正解:A/ C/ C/ D/ B


1.Given the opportunity for an interview, Gabriel is eager(a.渴望的) ------- himself to the hiring committee.
   (A) to introduce
   (B) for introducing
   (C) introduce
   (D) introducing
***多益解題分析: 本題考eager的用法,eager(a.渴望的)後面接to V,通常to V不定詞片語表尚未從事的未來動作,渴望做一件事應該只在期待階段,還未付諸實行。

 2. The doctor requested ------- the patient (should) take an operation.
     (A) if
     (B) what
     (C) that
     (D) whether
***多益解題分析:本題考要求類動詞的用法。要求類動詞ask / request / require / urge 後面可加that子句,子句中原有助動詞should表「應該」語氣,但should可省略。

 3. Paul Dorsey’s ------- overcoming the challenges led to his ultimate (最後的) victory.
     (A) success 名詞
     (B) successful 形容詞
     (C) successfully 副詞
     (D) succeed   動詞

 4. For our customers, please refer to the ------- for the contact information of our branch offices.
     (A) direct v.指導  a.直接的
     (B) directly adv.直接地
     (C) direction n.方向, 指示
     (D) directory n.目錄
***多益解題分析:本題考詞類變化,the後面應加名詞,要找到聯絡資訊(contact information)

 5. The director asked us to hold the meeting as scheduled in his -------, but he did not show up at last.
      (A) performance n.表演
      (B) insistence n.堅持
      (C) creation n.創造
      (D) credential n.證書

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