
2015年5月29日 星期五

Filled Under:

戴爾美語---多益考古題題庫區-Part 4


Attention train passengers, you must have a ticket in order to enter the boarding platform. To enter the platform, insert your ticket into one of the scanning machines and pass the gate after it opens. Please note, tickets can only be purchased in the main concourse, they are no longer available on the train. Frequent travelers are advised to buy a monthly pass to save money.

77. What is the announcement mainly about?
(A) How to purchase and use of tickets
(B) How to reserve your seat on a train
(C) How to apply for a monthly pass
(D) What to do if your seat is not reserved

78. What has changed about the service?
(A) You can now buy tickets on the website
(B) Frequent travelers can use the dining car
(C) There are newly introduced ticket scanning machines
(D) You can no longer purchase tickets on the trains

79. What does the speaker suggest frequent travelers do?
(A) Buy their tickets from the vending machine
(B) To buy a ticket before entering the boarding platform
(C) To try the new bi-monthly ticket
(D) To purchase the monthly pass

(77)Attention train passengers, you must have a ticket in order to enter the boarding platform. To enter the platform, insert your ticket into one of the scanning machines and pass the gate after it opens. (78)Please note, tickets can only be purchased in the main concourse, they are no longer available on the train. (79)Frequent travelers are advised to buy a monthly pass to save money.

77. What is the announcement mainly about? 此廣播主旨為何?
(A)How to purchase and use of tickets如何購買與使用車票
(B) How to reserve your seat on a train 如何預約火車座位
(C) How to apply for a monthly pass 如何申請月票
(D) What to do if your seat is not reserved 無預約座位時該如何處理
Attention train passengers, you must have a ticket in order to enter the boarding
(C) How to apply for a monthly pass與文末Frequent travelers are advised to buy a
monthly pass to save money有相同字monthly pass(月票),但主題通常在第一句

78. What has changed about the service? 何項服務已有更改?
(A) You can now buy tickets on the website 車票現在可在網站上購買。
(B) Frequent travelers can use the dining car 經常搭乘者可使用用餐車廂。
(C) There are newly introduced ticket scanning machines 有最新引進的車票掃描機。
(D)You can no longer purchase tickets on the trains車票已經無法在火車上購買。
【解題關鍵】由Please note, tickets can only be purchased in the main concourse, they are no longer available on the train.可知答案為(D),由no longer(不再)可知這項服務已被取消。
(A) You can now buy tickets on the website與文中的tickets can only be purchased in the main concourse有相關字車票(tickets)與購買(buy/purchase),但文中並未提到選項中的on the website(在網站上)
(C) There are newly introduced ticket scanning machines與文中的insert your ticket into one of the scanning machines and pass the gate after it opens有相同字scanning machines,但文中並未提及掃描機是最近引進(newly introduced)的,與內容不符,不可選!

79. What does the speaker suggest frequent travelers do?說話者建議經常搭乘者做何事?
(A) Buy their tickets from the vending machine 從自動售票機購買車票
(B) To buy a ticket before entering the boarding platform 進入月台前購買車票
(C) To try the new bi-monthly ticket 嘗試購買新的雙月票
(D)To purchase the monthly pass購買月票
【解題關鍵】由Frequent travelers are advised to buy a monthly pass to save money.可知答案為(D)
(C) To try the new bi-monthly ticket與文中的buy a monthly pass有同音字buy/bi(兩個的)以及相關字ticketpass(通行證),但文中所提為月票,而非雙月票。

board        v.登上(交通工具)
platform  n.月台
scan          v.掃描
gate          n.大門;閘門
note          v.注意  n.便條
purchase  v.購買
main          a.主要的
concourse   n.(車站)大廳
available  a.可取得的
frequent    a.經常的
monthly pass  月票
apply for     申請
dining car 用餐車廂
vending machine  自動販賣機
bi-monthly ticket  雙月票



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