
2015年6月12日 星期五

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Man 1: Hi Ken, I have an extra ticket to the football game on Wednesday night. Are you interested? The game starts at 6, so I’m planning to leave at 5.
Man 2: Thanks for asking, Steven. Normally I’d love to go, but I can’t that night. I have to work late to finish this month’s budget report. You should ask Pete, the new accountant, if he wants to go. He loves football.
Man 1: Yeah, I will. I didn’t realize Pete was a football fan. I’m going to meet him for dinner today, so I can ask him then.

44. What are the speakers mainly discussing?
(A) How they usually spend their spare time
(B) How much work they have to finish this week
(C) A football game that is happening on Wednesday
(D) A football game that happened last Saturday

45. What does Ken plan to do on Wednesday?
(A) He is planning to watch the game with his friends.
(B) He is planning to finish some report.
(C) He is going to meet Pete for dinner.
(D) He is planning on taking that day off.

46. Why does Steven want to talk to Pete?
(A) To ask him for this month’s budget report
(B) To see if he would like to go to dinner with him
(C) To ask him to work late on Wednesday night
(D) To invite him to a football game

Man 1: Hi Ken, (44)I have an extra ticket to the football game on Wednesday night.        Are you interested? The game starts at 6, so I’m planning to leave at 5.
Man 2: Thanks for asking, Steven. Normally I’d love to go, but I can’t that night.   (45)I have to work late to finish this month’s budget report.(46)You should   ask Pete, the new accountant, if he wants to go. He loves football.
Man 1: Yeah, I will. I didn’t realize Pete was a football fan. I’m going to meet him         for dinner today, so I can ask him then.
男士1: 嗨,Ken,我這兒有多一張票可以去看禮拜三晚上的橄欖球賽,你有興       趣嗎?比賽六點開始,我預計五點離開。
男士2:  謝謝你的邀請,Steven。平常我是很樂意去,但是那天晚上不行。我必       須工作到很晚,要完成這個月的預算報告。你可以問問新來的會計師        Pete,看看他想不想去。他很喜歡橄欖球。
男士1:  好的,我會問他。我不知道Pete是橄欖球迷。我今天晚上要跟他一起晚     餐,我到時候可以問他。

44. What are the speakers mainly discussing? 說話者主要討論的主題為何?
(A) How they usually spend their spare time 他們平常如何度過休閒時間
(B) How much work they have to finish this week 他們這個禮拜必須完成多少工作
(C)A football game that is happening on Wednesday禮拜三的橄欖球賽
(D) A football game that happened last Saturday 上個禮拜六的橄欖球賽
I have an extra ticket to the football game on Wednesday night.可知答案為(C)
(D) A football game that happened last Saturday與文中I have an extra ticket to the football game on Wednesday night.有相同字football game,但文中所提為未來時間的比賽,而非過去時間的比賽。

45. What does Ken plan to do on Wednesday? Ken禮拜三計劃做什麼?
(A) He is planning to watch the game with his friends 他計劃跟朋友去看球賽。
(B)He is planning to finish some report他計劃要完成某項報告。
(C) He is going to meet Pete for dinner 他要與Pete一起晚餐。
(D) He is planning on taking that day off 他計劃那天要休假。
【解題關鍵】由I have to work late to finish this month’s budget report.可知答案為(B)
 (A) He is planning to watch the game with his friends 與文中的I have an extra ticket to the football game on Wednesday night有相同字game,但文中所述為Steven的計劃活動。
 (C) He is going to meet Pete for dinner 與文中的I’m going to meet him for dinner today有相同字dinner,但文中所述為Steven的計劃活動。

46. Why does Steven want to talk to Pete? 為何Steven想要跟Pete談話?
(A) To ask him for this month’s budget report 詢問他有關這個月的預算報告
(B) To see if he would like to go to dinner with him 詢問他是否想要一起晚餐
(C) To ask him to work late on Wednesday night 要求他禮拜三晚上加班
(D)To invite him to a football game邀請他去看橄欖球比賽

【解題關鍵】由You should ask Pete, the new accountant, if he wants to go. He loves football可知答案為(D)
(B) To see if he would like to go to dinner with him與文中的I’m going to meet him for dinner today有相同字dinner,但文中所述為Steven的既定計劃,而非要邀請Pete一起從事的活動。
·             extra          a.多餘的
·             normally     adv.一般地,通常
·             budget       n.預算
·             accountant n.會計師
·             realize        v.了解

·             fan             n.球迷



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