
2015年7月3日 星期五

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Fast food is usually not my first option when trying to find an eating place. However,Brunchilli blew me away with assortments of choices I could make. Before visiting Brunchilli, I didn’t expect much but a boring environment with decent food. On the contrary, Brunchilli had everything I desired, which totally complemented my feeling.

As a new addition to the Seibu Mall, this restaurant had a relaxing setting. For my appetizer, I chose salami pizza, which was tasty and extravagant. Unlike other pizzas, this one had a crust with a crunchy outside but a fluffy inside. What made my taste buds jump for joy was the cheese topped off with flavorful sauce. I had baked chicken for my entrée. The superbly done chicken and mouth-watering noodles justified the long wait to get a table. I ordered flan for my dessert, which was toothy and a big portion. For those having a sweet tooth, desserts at Brunchilli will definitely send you into paradise.

The service staff were attentive to our needs and the waiting between courses was not long. The only thing that made me frown was the loud music. If the music had been turned down a little, I would have had a more pleasant time chatting with my friends.

163. What can be inferred about the restaurant?
(A) The price was higher than expectation.
(B) The food was worth the wait.
(C) The servers were not accommodating.
(D) The restaurant was renovated.

164. What is suggested in this article?
(A) The food portion was insufficient.
(B) The restaurant has been opened recently.
(C) The writer has been to the restaurant more than once.

(D) The chef has just relocated to the area.



 (B)  163. What can be inferred about the restaurant?
(A) The price was higher than expectation.
(B) The food was worth the wait.
(C) The servers were not accommodating.
(D) The restaurant was renovated.

從第一段的The superbly done chicken and mouth-watering noodles justified the long wait to get a table.”可以得知食物的美味讓所有等待的時間都值得了,所以這題答案選的是(B)
(A) 這篇文章並沒有提到價格。
(C) 從第三段可以看出作者提到”The service staff were attentive to our needs”,服務生很照顧我們的需求,表示他們很熱心助人啊,所以C不是正確答案。
accommodating (adj) 親切的,樂於助人的
(D) 第二段指出”As a new addition to the Seibu Mall”,表示這間餐廳是新的,不是renovated (adj.)重新翻修的。

  (B)  164. What is suggested in this article?
(A) The food portion was insufficient.
(B) The restaurant has been opened recently.
(C) The writer has been to the restaurant more than once.
(D) The chef has just relocated to the area.

從第二段的第二段指出”As a new addition to the Seibu Mall”,表示這間餐廳是新開的,所以答案選(B)
(A) 第二段中提到”I ordered flan for my dessert, which was toothy and a big portion.”,表示食物份量很多,不是insufficient (adj.)不足的。
(C) (D) 文章都沒有提到。

1.blow sb. away   (v. phr.) 震驚;打敗
2.assortment        (n.) 什錦物;分類
3.complement      (v.) 補足
<比較> compliment (v./n.) 稱讚
                           compliment (v.) sb. on N.
              complimentary (adj.) 免費的
4. crust (n.) 麵皮;外殼;地殼
5. justify (v.)  證明……是正當的;為……辯護;是……的正當理由



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