
2016年5月29日 星期日

Filled Under:




To: MieszkoGayelord<mieszko_gayelord@deux.net.au>
From: Davy Wieley<dwieley@fiesta.com.au>
Date: May 22, 2016

Dear Mr.Gayelord:

First of all, thank you for sharing your valuable comments on our newsletter
issued last month. Our staff were more than happy to know that you were
satisfied with our service and design. We Fiesta Decor always believe that
customers’ satisfaction is the best rewards for all our effort.
As per our conversation in your office last week, we would like to
photograph your house as a real life demonstration of our design.
As you know, your house has a classic European ambience, which adds
value to its original condition. In addition to an elegant look, many of the
ornaments we decided to add to your living room go perfect with the
interiors. When we showed the photos of your home, many clients were
amazed with our creativity and talented work. That is the main reason
why our team members selected your house to be posted in the feature
story of our newsletter.
In fact, I am writing this letter to ask about the possibility of going one
step further by using the photos of your house in our advertisements as
well. Since the decoration of your house is a huge success for Fiesta Decor,
we do hope that the advertisements with your house can help us draw more
attention to our performance. Attached is the authorization form in which you
will need to sign to show your consent for using pictures and/or video images
of your house in our newsletters and advertisements. After you have completed
 the authorization form, please contact us to pick up the document.
To show our gratitude to your generosity, Fiesta Decor would be glad to sponsor
the booth decoration of your company, Deux, at the Culinary Fair in New Zealand
in 2016. Good customers are as rare as latinum, and you are surely one of them.
Thank you again for your precious time. Look forward to hearing from you soon.

Davy Wieley
Marketing Director
Fiesta Decor

176. What is the purpose of this letter?
        (A) To inquire about a preferable shipping method
        (B) To ask for a written consent to a proposal
        (C) To request upfront payment of an order
        (D) To report the progress of a previously discussed project
177. What is suggested about Gayelord?
        (A) He has worked with Fiesta Decor before.
        (B) He participated in the design of his house.
        (C) He bought his house at a bargain price.
        (D) He conducts catering-related business.
178. The word “sponsored“ in paragraph 3, line 2, is closest in meaning
        to _______.
        (A) prospered   (B) represented   (C) inhabited   (D) gifted
179. What is indicated in this letter?
        (A) Mr. Gayelord and Mr. Wieley will have a long-term relationship
               in the future.
        (B) Mr. Gayelord’s house has helped Fiesta Decor win an award
        (C) A formal document is enclosed in this e-mail.
        (D) Deux is a reputable company.
180. What does the writer suggest at the end of the letter?
        (A) Customers like Mr. Gayelord are rare enough to be treasured.
        (B) Mr. Gayelord is easy to be pleased.
        (C) Working with Mr. Gayelord was an regretful experience.
        (D) Mr. Gayelord’s case was profitable.

【解答】B / D / D / C / A


       1. valuable (寶貴的)
       2. newsletter (通訊)
       3. *issue (核發)
       4. *reward (報酬)
       5. effort (努力)
       6. demonstration (示範)
       7. ambience (氣氛)
       8. elegant (典雅的)
       9. ornaments (裝飾品)
       10. interior (內部)
       11. talented (有天份的)
       12. *post (張貼)
       13. *feature (特別報導)
       14. *attached (隨信附寄)
       15. authorization (授權)
       16. *consent (同意)
       17. gratitude (感謝)
       18. generosity (慷慨)
       19. *sponsor (贊助)
       20. *booth (攤位)
       21. culinary fair(烹飪展覽)
       22. rare (稀有)
       23. latinum (貴金屬)
       24. precious (寶貴的)


 To: MieszkoGayelord<mieszko_gayelord@deux.net.au>
 From: Davy Wieley<dwieley@fiesta.com.au>
 Date: May 22, 2016
 Dear Mr.Gayelord:
 First of all, thank you for sharing your valuable comments on our newsletter
 issued last month. Our staff were more than happy to know that you were satisfied
 with our service and design. We Fiesta Décor always believe that customers' satisfaction
 is the best rewards for all our effort.

 As per our conversation in your office last week, we would like to photograph your house as a real life demonstration of our design. As you know, your house has a classic European ambience, which adds value to its original condition. In addition to an elegant look, many of the ornaments we decided to add to your living room go perfect with the interiors. When we showed the photos of your home, many clients were amazed with our creativity and talented work. That is the main reason why our team members selected your house to be posted in the feature story of our newsletter.
“As per”為按照意思。第二段業主稱讚客戶的家中裝潢,為第三段的要求鋪陳。

 (176)In fact, I am writing this letter to ask about the possibility of going one step further by using the photos of your house in our advertisements as well. Since the decoration of your house is a huge success for Fiesta Décor, we do hope that the advertisements with your house can help us draw more attention to our performance. (176)Attached is the authorization form in which you will need to sign to show your consent for using pictures and/or video images of your house in our newsletters and advertisements. After you have completed the authorization form, please contact us to pick up the document.

 To show our gratitude to your generosity, Fiesta Décor would be glad to sponsor the booth decoration of (177)your company, Deux, at the Culinary Fair in New Zealand in 2016. (180) Good customers are as rare as latinum, and you are surely one of them.

 Thank you again for your precious time. Look forward to hearing from you soon.

Davy Wieley
Marketing Director 
Fiesta Décor


176. What is the purpose of this letter?
       (A) To inquire about a preferable shipping method
       (B) To ask for a written consent to a proposal
       (C) To request upfront payment of an order
       (D) To report the progress of a previously discussed project
 [解析]本題出自於In fact, I am writing this letter to ask about the possibility of 
 going one step further by using the photos of your house in our advertisements as 
 well.及Attached is the authorization form in which you will need to sign to show 
 your consent for using pictures and/or video images of your house in our newsletters 
 and advertisements.
 由I am writing this letter to V的句型可看出本句為寫信目的,選項中的written 
 consent對等於文章中的authorization from。
   1. *inquire (詢問)
   2. *preferable (偏好的)
   3. *shipping (出貨)
   4. *proposal (提議)
   5. *progress (進展)
   6. *previously (之前地)

177. What is suggested about Gayelord?
       (A) He has worked with Fiesta Décor before. 
       (B) He participated in the design of his house. 
       (C) He bought his house at a bargain price.
       (D) He conducts catering-related business. 
[解析]本題出自於your company, Deux, at the Culinary Fair in New Zealand in 2016. 
   1. *participate (參加)
   2. *price (特價)
   3. *conduct (從事)
   4. *catering (外燴)

178. The word “sponsored“ in paragraph 3, line 2, is closest in meaning to  _______.
      (A) prospered 繁榮   (B) represented 代表
      (C) inhabited 居住    (D) gifted 贈送
 其他如support, aid, fund, finance都為sponsor的同義近義字。
 1. *sponsor (贊助)
 2. prosper (繁榮)
 3. * represent (代表)
 4. *inhabit (居住)
 5. *gift (贈送)

179. What is indicated in this letter?
       (A) Mr. Gayelord and Mr. Wieley will have a long-term 
              relationship in the future. 
       (B) Mr. Gayelord's house has helped Fiesta Décor win an 
              award recently. 
       (C) A formal document is enclosed in this e-mail. 
       (D) Deux is a reputable company. 
[解析]本題出自於Attached is the authorization form in which you 
 will need to sign to show your consent for using pictures and/or video 
 images of your house in our newsletters and advertisements. 
選項中的enclosed對等於文章中的attached,選項中的formal document
對等於文章中的authorization form。
 1.  *reputable (享譽盛名的)

180.What does the writer suggest at the end of the letter? 
       (A) Customers like Mr. Gayelord are rare enough to be treasured. 
       (B) Mr. Gayelord is easy to be pleased. 
       (C) Working with Mr. Gayelord was an regretful experience. 
       (D) Mr. Gayelord’s case was profitable. 
[解析]本題出自於Good customers are as rare as latinum, and you are 
  surely one of them,將客戶比喻為貴金屬,必須珍惜。
 1. treasure (珍惜)
 2. please (取悅)
 3. regretful (令人遺憾的)
 4. *profitable (可獲利的)

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