
2016年5月31日 星期二

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《TOEIC多益單字加油站》thank VS appreciate


戴爾美語多益老師推薦多益常見混淆字彙 “thank VS appreciate


 1. thank (n./v.) 感謝 + 人 + for N./Ving
     例句:I really thank you for giving me a ride.
     例句:I must extend my heartfelt thanks to you.

 2. appreciate (vt.) 感激 + N./Ving
     例句:I appreciate being consulted.
     例句:I really appreciate your help.
     也可以用片語beV appreciative of N.表示感激的意思

     例句:His talent for art was not appreciated.
     例句:The yen is expected to appreciate against the dollar.

     I am very _____ of your prompt help and would like to express
     my thanks to  you.
     A. appreciated
     B. appreciating
     C. appreciative
     D. appreciation

                  我們知道考的是片語beV appreciative of,故答案選C


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