
2016年9月15日 星期四

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【考多益必練】TOEIC多益閱讀考試精選考題(十三) 戴爾美語多益補習班老師整理多益考古題


1. Attendees appreciated the attention to ------ on the part of the conference planners.
(A) organize             (B) organizer          (C) organizers           (D) organization
2. Although Christina Abbey is going to release her book ----- several months, there is no specific date when the book launch will take place.
(A) on                       (B) at                     (C) along                 (D) within
3.The renovation of the office won’t be commenced unless ----- space can be provided in the warehouse.
(A) sufficient           (B) multiple            (C) lucrative            (D)swift
4.The great success of the newly launched product is attributed to the ----- effort between the law department and the development department.
(A) collaborative      (B) consecutive     (C) trendy                (D) bleak
5. Isaac Alfasi is going to represent the company to attend the international accountant conference because his expertise is better than -----.
(A) other                  (B) whichever       (C) much                 (D) most

【解答】D/ D/ A/ A/ D


1.   Attendees(與會者) appreciated the attention to ------ on the part of the conference planners.
(A) organize             (B) organizer          (C) organizers           (D)organization
       v.組織                       n.主辦人                n.主辦人                  n.組織
***多益解題分析:本題考詞類變化,to 為介系詞,attention to + N表示「對的注意」,本句意為「與會者感謝會議規劃者對組織流程的注意」

2.   Although Christina Abbey is going to release(發行) her book----- several months, there is no specific(具體的) date when the book launch will take place.
(A) on                       (B) at                     (C) along                 (D)within
***多益解題分析:本題考介系詞,within several months意為「在數月之內」,若答案為in several months也可選,意為「在數月之後」。

3.   The renovation(翻修) of the office won’t be commenced(開始) unless ----- space can be provided in the warehouse.
(A)sufficient             (B)multiple             (C) lucrative            (D)swift
       充足的                     多數的                   可賺錢的                 快速的
***多益解題分析:本題考單字,關鍵字為space (空間)sufficient space意為「足夠的空間」。
sufficient的同義字為enough / ample / adequate

4.   The great success of the newly launched(上市)product is attributed(歸因)to the ----- effort between the law department and the development department.
(A)collaborative       (B) consecutive     (C)trendy                 (D) bleak
       合作的                     連續的                 新潮的                    黯淡的
***多益解題分析:本題考單字,關鍵字為effort (努力)collaborative effort意為「合作性的努力」,本題不選 (B) consecutive因為其後between A and B的句型強調兩者的合作。collaborative的同義字為cooperative

5.   Isaac Alfasi is going to represent the company to attend the international accountant conference because his expertise(專業知識) is better than -----.
(A) other                  (B) whichever       (C) much                 (D)most
***多益解題分析:本題考代名詞,mostmost people的代名詞,(A)other應改為others (其他人) 才可選; (B)whichever(C) much不可用於人的代名詞。

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