
2016年8月3日 星期三

Filled Under:

TOEIC多益閱讀測驗精選考題(九) 戴爾美語多益老師整理推薦多益單字考古題


多益閱讀測驗PART 1以單字、文法為主的考題,最怕遇到不認識的英文單字在單字題出現,本篇戴爾美語滿分多益老師整理最新多益單字考題,想考多益高分的同學一定不可錯過的多益閱讀精華單字考題。

1. Acceptance of hours beyond regular work hours must be strictly _______.
   (A) resistant   (B) fictional   (C) voluntary   (D) profitable
2. Essentially, a business owner who can ______ effectively is more likely to have a business that can thrive.
   (A) shun   (B) withdraw   (C) plunge   (D) negotiate
3. Please visit your nearest branch to _____ to the local Poppy Fund. You can find your local branch on the website.
    (A) donate   (B) participate   (C) confer   (D) remain
4. One of the managerial duties is to oversee evening _______.
    (A) accommodation   (B) facility   (C) shift   (D) technique
5. Many of the companies established in this era have created and are likely to continue to create _______ profits.
    (A) considerate   (B) substantial   (C) devastating   (D) curable

答案正解:C/ D/ A/ C/ B



1. Acceptance (接受)of hours beyond regular work hours must be strictly(嚴格地) _______.
   (A) resistant     a.抵抗的 (B) fictional       a.虛構的
   (C) voluntary   a.自願的 (D) profitable     a.可獲利的

2. Essentially(很重要地), a business owner who can ______ effectively (有效果地) is more likely to have a business that can thrive (興盛).
   (A) shun          v.閃躲            (B) withdraw       v.提領
   (C) plunge              v.下跌          (D) negotiate       v.談判
***多益解題分析:本題考單字,關鍵字為thrive(興盛),可之前句為正面的描述,negotiate effectively (有效率地談判)文意最為符合。

3. Please visit your nearest branch (分行,分公司) to _____ to the local Poppy Fund. You can find your local branch on the website.
   (A) donate        v.捐款    (B) participate     v.參加
   (C) confer         v.商議    (D) remain           v.仍然是
***多益解題分析:本題考單字,關鍵字為to the local Poppy Fund (到基金會),宜用donate(v.捐款)。選項(B) participate用法為「participate + in + 活動」。

4. One of the managerial (經理的) duties is to oversee (監督) evening _______.
    (A) accommodation      n.住宿   (B) facility    n.設施
    (C) shift                   n.輪班   (D) technique   n.技巧
***多益解題分析:本題考單字,關鍵字為evening,evening shift意為「晚班」。

5. Many of the companies established in this era have created and are likely to continue to create _______ profits(獲利).
    (A) considerate a.體貼的                (B) substantial a.大量的
    (C) devastating a.毀滅性的         (D) curable         a.可治癒的
***多益解題分析:本題考單字,關鍵字為profits(獲利),substantial profits意為「可觀的獲利」。substantial的同義字為considerable (a.可觀的)。

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