
2016年8月29日 星期一

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【考多益必練】TOEIC多益閱讀考試精選考題(十二) 戴爾美語多益補習班老師整理多益考古題



1. According to the marketing department of ABN, their sales have ----- increased as a result of telemarketing.
(A) deliberately   (B) efficiently   (C) considerably (D) ambitiously
2. If you wish to retrieve your ----- for travel expense, please submit your proof of purchase to the accounting department.
(A) reimbursement (B) instrument (C) combination (D)voucher
3. Fazer engineers will assist the company in using the guide ----- the project has been finished.
(A) owing to (B) therefore (C) so (D)when
4. Petrobras is expanding ----- into the European market, which is expected to bring in significant revenues.
(A) strategy (B) strategize (C) strategic (D) strategically
5. It is a ----- for the newly recruited employees to attend orientation sessions.
(A) require (B) requiring (C) required (D) requirement

【解答】C/ A/ D/ D/ D


1. According to the marketing department of ABN, their sales have ----- increased as a result of telemarketing(電話行銷).
(A) deliberately      (B) efficiently      (C) considerably      (D) ambitiously
        蓄意地                  有效率地               可觀地                   有野心地
***多益解題分析:本題考單字,關鍵字為increased (v.增加),由前後文意可知是大量地增加。considerably的同義字為significantly/substantially。

2. If you wish to retrieve(取回)your ----- for travel expense, please submit(繳交) your proof of purchase(購買證明)to the accounting department.
(A) reimbursement       (B) instrument      (C) combination      (D)voucher
         補貼                             儀器                        結合                   兌換券
***多益解題分析:本題考單字,關鍵字為for travel expense (旅遊支出),由前後文意可知是出差的補貼。reimbursement的同義字為compensation/repayment。

3. Fazer engineers will assist the company in using the guide ----- the project has been finished.
(A) owing to         (B) therefore          (C) so                   (D)when
        介系詞                   副詞              對等連接詞       副詞連接詞
***多益解題分析:本題考連接詞,連接前後完整句,除了when,也可使用as做為表動作同時發生的副詞連接詞。本題非因果關係,不可選(C) so。

4. Petrobras is expanding ----- into the European market, which is expected to bring in significant(顯著的) revenues(營收).
(A) strategy     (B) strategize     (C) strategic (D)strategically
        n.策略       v.制定戰略           a.策略的           adv.策略地

5. It is a ----- for the newly recruited(招聘) employees to attendorientation(新人
訓練) sessions (課程).
(A) require       (B)requiring (C) required (D)requirement
       v.需要        現在分詞/動名詞      過去分詞/過去式           n.要求

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