
2016年8月16日 星期二

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TOEIC多益閱讀測驗精選考題(十一) 戴爾美語多益補習班老師整理推薦多益考古題



1. According to the lawful consultant, the provisions set forth on the contract may put our company 
in -------.
       (A) astonishment          
       (B) jeopardy           
       (C) effectiveness    
       (D) component
2. Application for this position cannot be processed ------- the completion of the form.
       (A) without                    
       (B) into                   
       (C) regardless                         
       (D) among
3. ----- the high-tech industry is an important measure for our country to foster new economic growth. 
       (A) Develop            
       (B) Developing        
       (C) Development    
       (D) Developed
4. We consider the two candidates on the shortlist ------- competent for the position.
       (A) equal                                
       (B) equally              
       (C) equality                            
       (D) equaled
5. The newly hired financial specialist has helped AMC earn a(n) ------- sum of money. 
       (A) necessary          
       (B) sentimental       
       (C) indifferent        
       (D) significant

答案正解:B/ A/ B/ B/ D


1. According to the consultant, the provisions (條款) set forth (闡明) on the contract 
may put our company in -------.
       (A) astonishment     n.驚訝    
       (B) jeopardy            n.危險
       (C) effectiveness     n.效度
       (D) component        n.零件

2. Application for this position cannot be processed ------- the completion of the form.
       (A) without             如果沒有               
       (B) into                    進入
       (C) regardless          儘管               
       (D) among               當中

3. ----- the high-tech industry is an important measure (措施)for our country to foster (促進) new economic growth.     
       (A) Develop             動詞       
       (B) Developing         動名詞
       (C) Development     名詞
       (D) Developed        過去式/過去分詞
***多益解題分析:本題考詞類變化,developing為動名詞,the high-tech industry是動名詞的
       受詞,本題用動名詞當主詞。若要使用另一名詞development,要加of the
       high-tech industry的介系詞片語。

4. We consider the two candidates on the shortlist (決選名單)------- competent (可勝任的) for the
       (A) equal                 a.相等的   v.等於                       
       (B) equally               adv.相等地
       (C) equality             n.平等            
       (D) equaled             過去式/過去分詞

5. The newly hired financial specialist has helped AMC earn a(n) ------- sum of money. 
       (A) necessary           a.必要的
       (B) sentimental        a.多愁善感的
       (C) indifferent         a.冷漠的
       (D) significant          a.顯著的

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